My Appearance on the Vivek Ramaswamy Podcast
On May 8, 2023, I sat down with presidential nominee Vivek Ramaswamy for a thirty-minute podcast. There was a firestorm that hit Twitter over many of his salacious tweets.
I saw his rhetoric as harmful to my personal work with Swing Your Vote and my efforts to lure folks away from the Democratic party. To my surprise, he responded!
His response to my criticism was epic! Looking back over my Tweets, I was pretty diligent. He had struck a nerve.
Vivek and I met in Michigan to talk about what I saw were the problematic aspects of his campaign. I will let the podcast - speak for itsself.
In general, here is what I learned from the experience:
1) Despite all odds, America remains a beacon of opportunity. My journey from being a high school mother to graduating law school, and subsequently finding great success on social media within a year, is a testament to this. Never let anyone diminish your enthusiasm for our incredible country.
2) Regardless of their status, whether politicians or billionaires, everyone is human at the core. The mark of a truly great person lies in their willingness to listen, adapt, and make necessary adjustments.
3) As a mediator, I've found that my skills are instrumental in fostering consensus rather than fueling disputes. Engaging in thoughtful, reasoned conversation promotes a deeper level of understanding than any form of aggressive rhetoric or bullying behavior could ever achieve. It's through this mindful communication that we can truly connect and make progress in our discussions.
4) We must extend grace to people as they grow and evolve. Everyone deserves the chance to learn from their mistakes, change their perspectives, and improve as individuals. This principle applies to everyone, whether they're our friends, our family, or our elected officials.
Thank you Vivek Ramaswamy for embracing meaningful dialogue.
Assembling Humanity, One Piece at a Time
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